Stars Classic

Friday, November 11, 2011

Just Like Eddie - Mike Sarne/The Heinz/Jimmy Diamond/Teddy and The Tigers/The Silicon Teens

Just Like Eddie


Whenever I'm sad, whenever I'm blue
Whenever my troubles are heavy
Beneath the stars I play my guitar
Just like Eddie


Now, troubles may come and troubles may go
But you'll always find me ready
Upon the hill, playing still
Just like Eddie


Whenever you're sad, whenever you're blue
Whenever your troubles are heavy
Beneath the stars you play your guitars
Just like Eddie

Come on, everybody

Now, troubles may come and troubles may go
But you'll always find me ready
Upon the hill, playing still
Just like Eddie

So, whenever you're sad, whenever you're blue
Whenever your troubles are heavy
Beneath the stars you play your guitars
Just like Eddie

Come on, everybody


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